Acupuncture, Bodywork & Massage
Gina Gilbert has practiced Energetic Medicine since 1979. Acupuncture and Acupressure, a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used by and for humans for thousands of years. Legend has it, that acupuncture was even used on an elephant who had stomach disorders similar to bloating as long as 3500 years ago!
With healing touch as its foundation, a commitment to the belief that the body has the wisdom to heal itself, Gina customizes sessions, classes and one on one instruction in person and remotely, to support each person and/or their emotional support therapy animal.
As we find ourselves isolated and endangered by a deadly pandemic and risk our health by touching each other, loneliness and depression can ensue. I am therefore teaching virtual self help classes such as: “Movements to Heal”; one hour classes to help us get more balanced as we move with the seasons. We will also learn self care techniques along with meridians and acupuncture point location for self healing. Then to add to the fun, and add touch, I will be teaching Shiatsu for dogs! Please stay tuned for the schedules and links. First class is free!